Message from Archangel Michael: Good news is coming soon! - Life Story

Message from Archangel Michael: Good news is coming soon!

„A problem that has been bothering you will be resolved behind the scenes. The solution is creative, clever, and a joyful surprise for you. You will soon experience relief from a problem that has been worrying you. Archangel Michael wants you to know that there is reason to smile, as heaven is working on a creative solution. When you see this, you will laugh with joy at God’s sense of humor. Basically, the situation will resolve itself well for all parties involved.

Soon you will receive good news, such as a resolution of a strained relationship, an unexpected financial source, a solved health problem, a lucky expansion of your home, a new career opportunity, or news of a marriage proposal.

Please don’t try to figure out „how” this solution will come about, or in what form it will manifest. Instead, allow yourself to enjoy the excitement and gratitude feelings while allowing heaven to help you.

Archangel Michael reminds you that the feeling of vulnerability is triggered by your thoughts of danger. You have given power to something external in your mind. You believe that this „idol” created by you has the power to harm you.

But it only has as much power as you give it. He encourages you to awaken from this delusion. Understand that you have the power to create a happy and safe dream, and to decide that you feel safe.
