Chaos: huge explosion in the city, there are many dead. Video – Details - Life Story

Chaos: huge explosion in the city, there are many dead. Video – Details

The massive explosion which took place in the capital of Lebanon was so powerful that it shook the ground causing people to think they were caught up in an earthquake
Shocking footage has emerged that shows the moment a huge explosion rocked Beirut killing at least 25 people and leaving thousands injured.
The clip shot by a witness captures an ear-deafening bang followed by a mushroom cloud that erupts in the sky over the Lebanese capital.
The explosion was so powerful that it shook the ground causing people to think they were caught up in an earthquake.
The blast happened in the port area of the city and sent shockwaves across the area, shattering windows and causing apartment balconies to collapse.
According to some reports the blast was that loud it was heard in Cyprus.
